If you have been thinking about cleansing your colon, you have a number of great benefits to look forward to. One thing that you want to make sure of, however, is that you are not falling for a weight loss trap. This is something that we call any procedure that is potentially dangerous and which is supposed to help you to lose weight but which ends up having no effect at all or which ends up actually making you ill. This is bad news, and you will not want to be one of the 20% of Americans who fall for this kind of trap every year by purchasing kits and books that are supposed to help them to achieve a healthy body weight. Instead, you will want to end up like most Americans who cleanse their colons and who do it for the right reasons.
Most people who cleanse their colons do so for the right reason. Over 90% of people do not fall for a weight loss trap. Instead, they go through this process for medical reasons. They are required by their doctors to go through this procedure so that they can prepare for procedures such as colonoscopies. These are tests that search for and prevent the development of colon cancer. While the exact causes of this cancer are not known, studies have shown that colon cleansing processes do indeed help people to reduce their risk of having colon cancer. If you want to cleanse your colon, you should consult a doctor, especially if you are taking any medications.
When you are thinking about cleaning your colon while avoiding any potential weight loss trap, you should think about the methods that you are using. Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell how many people are participating in this kind of process for the wrong reasons, but the statistics probably would end up telling the story of the wrong kind of information getting out to a public that is concerned about its health.
If you are concerned that you have fallen victim to a weight loss trap, you should make sure that you do a little research about it. If you have been taking herbs as part of a program, then you might be safe since most herbs are harmless. If you feel negative reactions, you should not hesitate to first see a doctor about your problems. When you feel that you are losing energy for no reason or that you are suffering from pains, particularly in your stomach or in your side, then you certainly should quit the program and consult a medical professional.