Constipation can be annoying and can actually hurt the inside of your body. Many people are looking for a way to naturally help with the constipation that they are experiencing. Some may ask if dokudami can prevent constipation. The answer to this question, for many people is yes. Dokudami is actually a Japanese herb that is commonly used for medicinal purposes. The actual effectiveness of this herb has been confirmed through scientific experiments and through the wonderful benefits experiences by many users throughout the years. This herb can truly help your constipation issues and bring you well needed relief.
The reason behind why dokudami is such a wonderful constipation assistant is due to the minerals that are found within it. Isoquercitrin, magnesium, quercitrin, potassium, phosphorus and calcium are all minerals within this wonder herb. These great minerals are what help your body the times of constipation that you are experiencing. However, there are many more benefits you can get from drinking an herb such as this. The flavonoids, which are also a part of this herb, help to fight of the signs of aging. Your cardiovascular health will also be increased due to this great herb.
To have a supply of dokudami that will help constipation for about thirty days, you will need to purchase around 200 grams of the dried herb to make tea. This herb will not only relive the unwanted effects of constipation, but it will also prevent constipation from occurring if you drink it daily. To make the most effective herbal tea of dokudami, you will need to increase the amount of water used to steep the tea. You will also need to make sure that you do not drink any other type of tea or coffee while you are drinking dokudami. It will take up to three days for you to feel and experiences the benefits of this herb.
To get the most out of your experience in relieving and preventing constipation with dokudami, you might need to drink some milk with the treatments so that your stool will be softened. You might also notice that you have stomach pains. This should not concern you and it will soon go away once you relieve your bowels. It is actually a sign that the treatment is working. After up to fourteen days, you will find much relief and your bowels will be back to their normal function.