Obesity is more common today that it has ever been. We have so many options available to tempt us in the way of processed food that it is easy to see why. Obesity is a going health concern, and the best treatment is with diet and exercise. However, many today believe you can detoxify obesity with herbs. The theory is that a regular colon cleanse rids the body of extra weight as well as obesity inducing toxins.
When going through a colon cleanse, you will lose weight. However, a lifestyle change is necessary to keep that weight off and to continue to lose. Some find that a colon cleansing is simply a good starting point and a way to get the body used to less food, rather a way to actually detoxify obesity. When beginning a colon cleansing, be sure you have chosen a weekend when you can stay home and do not have many other obligations. Other than the obvious reason for this, which is the need to be near a restroom, there are side effects such as fatigue and nausea that can make going out very unpleasant. Consider taking the weekend for a sort of vacation at home. Take the phone off the hook, watch movies, take relaxing baths, and pamper yourself as much as possible. This should include frequent naps as well.
Before beginning to try to detoxify obesity with herbs, discuss the options with your doctor. It is likely he will want to do a complete work up to ensure there is nothing else going on, and that you are healthy enough to withstand the detoxification process. He will also want to monitor your progress and may require checkups during the process. It is possible he will recommend some other options as well.
In the end, though many believe it is possible to detoxify obesity with herbs, it is much more likely that it works mainly as a great starting point in creating a healthier lifestyle. If performed frequently, or for a long enough period of time, the detoxification process could yield significant weight loss, but it would be of the unhealthy sort, and it would likely only be short term. If you decide to go the route of herbal detox for obesity, strongly consider detoxifying for the standard 7 to 10 days. Then slowly add back a variety of healthy foods to your diet, instituting a change in lifestyle from which you will reap benefits for years to come.