Natural colon cleansing has been a practice dating back to the ancient Greeks. This practice became popular in the United States back in the 1920s and 1930s but many lost its hold when the theories behind it lost the needed support. Body detox has found new interest today as people are realizing that the medical profession does not hold all the answers for creating better health. As a matter of fact, with all the synthetic chemicals that are being introduced into our bodies today, more and more people are realizing that those side effects warnings on the side of over the counter medication and the long lists that come with prescriptions. People think there must be a better way.
You may be wondering if a good colon cleanse is right for you. Some people even wonder if this practice is good for anyone at all. While there is still much to be learned about colon cleansing due to the lack of research on the part of recognized “authorities,” there is still much information to be gained when an individual takes a closer look. One must understand that there are two main methods of cleansing the colon. One of those methods is to purchase colon-cleansing products, and the other involves paying a visit to a practitioner to have a procedure done known as colonic cleansing.
Colon cleansing products are typically seen in liquid or powered form, and sometimes this powder comes packed in capsules. Some of these “laxatives” are taken by mouth and others are introduced into the colon with an enema. The idea in each case is to force the elimination of contents of the colon. Many colon cleanse preparations can be located at pharmacies, supermarkets, and health food stores. You can also find many body detox products advertised on the Internet. These products include: strong herbal teas, anti-parasite capsules, enzymes, enemas and laxatives. You will have to decide for yourself which products are right for you.
While colon cleansing may be something many people are encouraged to try, it is not recommended for women who are pregnant or children under the age of eighteen. The theory that supports the practice of colon cleanse methods stems from the ancient belief in autointoxication. This theory holds that foods such as meats, that are not digested in the digestive tract cause mucus to build up in the colon. As this matter builds up in the intestine with the mucus, it causes produces toxins which enter the blood stream through absorption, and poisons the body. It is the removal of these toxins that are the target of colon cleansing.