Many herbal teas can be used to treat parasites. Parasites are living organisms that feed off of another organism. The organism that a parasite feeds off of is called a host. A parasite can make a host very sick as it draws nutrients away from the host for itself. Typically, parasites are caught accidentally, but there are cases of parasites being introduced intentionally. One example of this is introducing a tape worm in order to lose weight. Although this technically works, the weight loss is very unhealthy and can only be stopped by getting rid of the parasite.
Calendula is one type of herbal tea that can help work against certain parasites. A tea made by steeping one tablespoon of flowers in one fourth of a quarter of water is said to expel worms. It is also believed to heal tissue damage done by the parasites. Angelica along with Echinacea purpurea is effective in treating the Trichomonas protozoa. It contains coumarin compounds that are helpful in treating these and other worms and parasites. This herb should not be consumed by pregnant women, or diabetics for that matter, as it tends to raise blood sugar levels.
Herbal teas made from plants containing berberine are also highly effective against parasites. Herbs such as Goldenseal, barberry, goldthread and Oregon grape have a high concentration of berberine, causing them to share similar effects of parasites. They have been used successfully against protozoa, fungi and even viruses. They also help prevent an over growth of yeast, which can cause all kinds of health problems on its own. Teas made from these plants can be used to work against certain parasites, as well as heal a variety of other ailments.
If a parasite has been introduced intentionally to aid in detoxification, it is important to pay attention to any herbs that might also be used, as herbal tea is a common ingredient in the detoxification process. If the wrong herbs are used, the tea could actually work against the parasite, negating any benefits that may be derived from it. On the other hand, when the time comes to get rid of the parasite, when the detoxification process is complete, the herbs mentioned above can be very useful. Before starting any detoxification process, see a doctor and discuss the process. This is especially important if a parasite is to be involved, as intentional parasites can be very dangerous, and therefore should only be used under a doctor’s care.